Believe it or not, with the right advisor, financial planning can be fun. Growing wealth, achieving goals, and having a trusted partner listen to your dreams and planning solutions can actually provide a sense of satisfaction. In the article published in ColoradoBiz Magazine, Kevin McNab, explores the reasons financial planning can be fun.
One of my least favorite, but necessary, things to do is go to the dentist. I will often delay setting up an appointment for weeks and sometimes months with easy-to-find excuses. As I write this, the thought of sharp utensils picking at my teeth, foam inserts shoved into my mouth and the buzzing sound of a polish makes me cringe. I often joke with my clients that coming to see me for a financial planning update is like me going to the dentist. It doesn’t have to be. Financial planning can be and should be fun.
Here are the five things that make financial planning fun…READ MORE!
ACE Wealth Partners is Colorado’s premier independent wealth management firm. ACE Wealth Partners is an independent, fee-only, comprehensive financial planning, asset and wealth management firm. Our partnerships are built on the highest levels of integrity and transparency to align goals, build dreams, plan wealth and secure tomorrow together. We have a concentration of clients in the academic, medical, executive, and entrepreneurial fields across the country, Colorado, and the Denver Metro area.